Friday, 5 February 2010

Thursday 28th January 2010, Lesson 4

Due to our completion of the filming process in the previous lesson, we were required to begin the editing stage of our product. We uploaded our different shots to the T drive on the school network, so that we were able to access the product on all of the computers, and open it in Adobe. Firstly, we had to rename the different clips so that later on in the editing stage we wouldn’t be confused as to which clips we required. We then arranged our shots into the correct formation, before we started any of the actual editing process. Once this task was completed, we cut down each shot to the size we wanted, removing any unwanted acting errors for example so that our final product would look professional.

After we had our shots arranged into the correct order and cut down to size, we then decided to add a variety of effects to our product. We used a variety of effects such as a dissolve transition, we decided on using this effect simply because it helps the video flow and feel more like a real life situation for the audience, and helps them to understand the situation. Whereas constant straight cuts would make the final product look messy, this was not the final effect that we desired on our video. Although we completed more of our editing than we envisaged in the lesson. We did not complete the product as we hoped, and would have to continue with the editing process during the next lesson.

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